The Moderator and Speakers for the sixth panel of the Congress, scheduled to take place in the afternoon on Monday 16 April, will be:

Panel 6: Arbitration Challenged II: The Realities of Arbitration Economics: Who Gets to Play, and What are the Implications?

Moderator: Susan Franck, American University, Washington College of Law (USA)

Speakers: Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Zulficar & Partners Law Firm (Eqypt); John Beechey, BeecheyArbitration Ltd (UK); Kate Brown de Vejar, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle, S.C. (Australia); Victoria Shannon Sahani, Arizona State University, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law (USA)

Session descriptionArbitration can be an expensive process. This panel will address the implications of how parties fund their claims and defenses, based on recent studies, initiatives and debates. Topics will include (a) a report from the ICCA/Queen Mary Task Force on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration, (b) developments with respect to cost awards and security for costs (including recent calls for reforms in investment arbitration to protect successful respondents against so called “judgment-proof” claimants), and © the broader question of whether and how significant imbalances in party resources might affect the procedural choices that arbitrators are asked to consider, including the scope of pleadings and document disclosure, the length and venue of hearings, and other issues.